
Nutritional recommendations and dietary fads are constantly changing. “There is widespread chaos in the world of nutrition,” says Andrew Freeman, the director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver. “It seems recommendations swing back and forth all the time.” In an attempt to prove which food […]

Which Food Fads Are Actually Worth Trying

What Does a Mediterranean Diet Look Like? Essentially, the Mediterranean diet consists of fresh vegetables, fruit, and the occasional drink. Instead of overly processed foods, the Mediterranean diet promotes fresh salads dressed with olive oil, plenty of fresh fruit, hummus, beans and pasta. Studies Show Improved Brain Health with the Mediterranean […]

A Mediterranean Diet May Preserve Brain Function in Old Age

Are ‘Superfoods’ Superficial? Diets are like fashion; there’s always a new trend. You can’t go to the store or your favorite restaurant nowadays without seeing qualifiers like “gluten-free,” “paleo,” or “keto-friendly,” it seems. Similarly, superfoods are all the rage. Supposedly, certain foods energize, vitalize, immunize, and even help prevent serious […]

Are Superfoods Overrated?