
Stop diabetes
On August 24th, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) lowered the age limit for prediabetes screening and type 2 diabetes screening from the age of 40 to the age of 35. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States and also results in a plethora […]

Screening Age for Diabetes is Lowered

Flower From Europe May Help Common Health Conditions There are many natural plants, herbs, and spices understood to be beneficial to one’s health. Black seed oil, also known as black caraway or black cumin, has been shown to have many antioxidative properties among other incredible and surprising benefits! Up until […]

What Black Seed Oil Can Do For You

Hair mineral analysis benefits
Mineral imbalances and deficiencies and the effects it has on the body My sister lives a healthy lifestyle. She exercises frequently, eats clean, and even maintains a strict skincare routine. However, once she turned 22, she randomly started suffering from extreme acne breakouts. Now, we all know that acne is […]

Benefits of a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test

Life Insurance Awareness Month
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month! Life Insurance Awareness Month, or LIAM, is a nationwide campaign founded by Life Happens in 2004. The purpose of the campaign is to inform the masses about the importance of obtaining adequate life insurance coverage and keep their loved ones protected. Questions to Ask […]

Welcome to Life Insurance Awareness Month

Earthing offers incredible benefits for our health.
Earthing provides an array of health benefits, including reduced inflammation, faster healing, pain reduction, and improved sleep. But wait a second! Just simply standing outside on the ground can do all this?! It may sound like nonsense, but I assure you it is very real. However, don’t just take my […]

Dramatic Health Results Through Earthing

palliative care hospice care
While both palliative and hospice care provide comfort care for those suffering from advanced illnesses, they differ in the overall outcome. The purpose of hospice care is to manage the symptoms of a patient’s disease but has no curative intent. Palliative care, on the other hand, is comfort care that […]

Understanding the Similarities and Differences Between Palliative and Hospice Care

Collagen has many health benefits.
Collagen Benefits Collagen is known for its many benefits, namely restoring the supple, smooth appearance of skin. While I fully support using collagen to improve your skin’s health and appearance, I wouldn’t be doing it justice without explaining the full range of benefits that collagen has to offer. Collagen impacts […]

Collagen for Health & Vitality

good and bad debt
We have always been taught that debt should be avoided at all costs, however, there are some forms of debt that provide positive financial benefits. If you want to make smart financial decisions, it is important to understand the difference between good and bad debt. What is good debt? Sometimes, […]

Understanding Good and Bad Debt