With being midway through the AEP, your agent probably has reached out to you about changes for the 2020 year. You probably sat down with them and through a review of your current plan have options to change or stay with your current carrier. In the recent Democratic presidential primary debate, Former Vice President, Joe Biden, stated “160 million people like their private insurance.” But where does that number leave the other 167 million unhappy with their plans? Which category do you fall into? Does a plan change fit your current season of life?
How Many People Make Plan Changes Each Year?
For the population about six percent of federal employees and retirees, actually make a change to their health plan. Although the number is low, most changes are denied due to business, fear, or even laziness from having to shop around. By getting out of your comfort zone a plan change can help you make better decisions for your pocket and health.
Plans Change Every Year
Plans change every year including the prices. Your needs also might have changed and a new plan might offer better features and the ability to meet your needs. Your current plan can also become something that doesn’t fit your needs, causing you a need to get out and change. Plans can also pack up and leave your area completely causing you to need to find something else. What if your doctor left the network that is currently outside of your plan, is your loyalty strong enough to make you switch? Do you need extra coverage whether that be catastrophic, life, a PDP, or even nursing coverage? These are all questions you need to ask yourself.
Talk To Your Agent
Talk to your agent about plan changes. Through a medicare review, they will be able to assess your current needs to help make the best options available to you. The process might sound scary but through this, you will be able to have peace of mind something that doesn’t come cheap when it comes to health insurance. No agent? Give Empower Brokerage a call today for your insurance needs!
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