
trends in dental insurance
In recent years, dental has been added to more and more health plans as an ancillary benefit. This is a dramatic shift in an industry previously dominated by stand-alone dental insurance providers. However, these trends in dental insurance could be dangerous for them. The Trends In Dental Insurance Before 2018, […]

The Trends In Dental Insurance

Dental Hygiene: Why Keeping Good Oral Health Can Help Prevent Health Diseases When was the last time you visited your dentist? How often do you brush your teeth? When did you floss last? If you had to think, you most likely haven’t been doing the best job of taking care of […]

Dental Hygiene: Why Keeping Good Oral Health Can Help Prevent ...

Discount Dental Insurance Plan If you’re looking to purchase a dental plan on the individual market, then you should know about the four main types of dental plans. First, there’s the discount dental plan. With this type of plan, there is a network of providers. Technically, it’s not real insurance. […]

Know What Type of Dental Plan is Right for You