Agent Relationships: What To Look For In An Insurance Agent

Finding the right insurance plan is hard. Finding a dedicated agent who will give you the best plan is even harder. When dealing with an agent, especially if you have not dealt with them before, can be a little overwhelming. If your insurance agent doesn’t communicate something correctly, it could jeopardize your coverage. Today, I want to go over some of the qualities you will find in a great insurance agent. I will also go over some of the negative attributes you should avoid.

Direct vs Independent

When talking with an agent, it is important to first understand if they are a captive agent or an independent agent. When shopping for insurance, both types of agents can help; the distinction comes with who hires the agent. Captive agents are people who work for one specific insurance company and usually just sell that one company’s plan. Independent agents work for the insured and usually have multiple contracts, thus giving you a broader range of products from which to choose.

Questions to Ask

When prospecting for an agent, there are a lot of good questions to ask that can help you determine their level of expertise. One question is “What is your experience in the insurance industry?” or “How many years have you been writing this type of insurance?” It is also important to ask for client references to see how previous customers enjoyed working with the agent. Another great question is asking how many different carriers they represent. This can be either good or bad; representing only a few carriers means fewer options but a better grasp on products. Meanwhile, an agent with multiple carriers has multiple options, but he may not be as familiar with each carrier.

Agent Relationships

It’s important to be able to feel as if you can have an ongoing client/agent relationship. When you pick a plan, it’s important to note that it can change and you will want someone who will keep you updated frequently. You will also want an agent who will keep up with you and check in every few months to make sure there are no major changes in your health. It is also important to pick up the sense of the agent’s character: Are they honest? Are they trustworthy? Can you trust them with your safety net?

Because insurance is often times overwhelmingly confusing, we want to shed light on the industry by answering YOUR questions. If you have any questions or concerns, comment below and your question may be the topic of our next post!

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