
Scientists alarmed by large amounts of carcinogen benzene in household sunscreens.  Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.
Cancer-Causing Sunscreen…? Valisure, an independent research laboratory based in Connecticut, just released a detailed report finding gratuitous amounts of benzene in many commonly available sunscreens.  Benzene is a flammable liquid used in producing things like rubber, plastic, pesticides, detergents, gasoline, and the like.  Because it evaporates quickly in oxygen, most people […]

Carcinogen Benzene Found in Common Sunscreens

Benefits and Risks of Tanning Sunlight and indoor tanning have become increasingly popular among adolescents and young adults. Almost everyone is familiar with the health risks, but are there any benefits of tanning? Excessive exposure can speed up skin aging and cause different skin cancers. But limited exposure can boost […]

Benefits and Risks of Tanning