The Importance of Building a Relationship With Your Doctor

Since our childhood, we have visited doctors annually whether we were sick or completely healthy. If you have been with your same doctor since childhood, you might have built up a strong relationship over the years. Some like myself change doctors every so many years, but may still have a strong relationship with your doctor. There are also those who just go to the nearest doctor, which is also completely fine. The problem with all these types of doctor-patient relationships is that if you’re not communicating with your doctor and asking the right questions, you might be putting yourself at risk. Today, I want to discuss some questions and topics that you will want to talk to your doctor about to make sure that you are being checked thoroughly.

Annual Checkups and Tests

When you make your annual visit to the doctors (everyone should have a yearly checkup), it’s important to be able to identify any changes in your body. When you’re able to identify changes – no matter how small – your doctor can check it out for preventative action. If your doctor ever has to run a test on you, it’s important to speak up and ask what tests are for. When you’re able to communicate with your doctor and know why they are giving you certain tests, it makes it easier to receive more clarity and peace of mind.

Treatments and Medication

If ever diagnosed, you will want to receive the best treatment possible that you can afford. It’s important to get with your healthcare provider or your agent to see what your health insurance covers so your doctor can give you a rough estimate. Plan with your doctor for what treatment options are available and what might be the different price ranges. This also applies to your prescription drugs. It is important to ask what each drug prescribed to you does, what the side effects are, and how much it costs. Your doctor is the best at describing these drugs, and it’s important to be knowledgeable about all types that you might take.

Better Care Available

Ask your doctor if there is a place where you can get better care. Your doctor might not be the right specialist you need, and it’s important to ask them. Your doctor can recommend other specialists who can give you a sound diagnosis. They can also recommend a specialist who is in your plan so you won’t have to go outside your coverage. Communication with your doctor is important, and when you build that relationship, you’re able to receive the best advice for you.

Since insurance is often times overwhelmingly confusing, we want to shed light on this industry by answering YOUR questions.  So if you have any questions or concerns, comment below and your question may be the topic of our next video!

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