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You have probably heard an older person claim that they “can feel it in their bones” when it’s about to rain. Without warning, they begin to experience aches in their joints that they attribute to the weather changes. It is a common saying, but is there any truth to it?
How weather affects joints?
There have been a few studies done to determine the connection between the weather and joint pain, however, these studies have never been able to reliably explain the joint-weather connection. Despite this, there are a few interesting theories about the relationship.
The first theory has to do with barometric pressure. Barometric pressure is the weight the atmosphere puts on our bodies. When there is high barometric pressure, the atmosphere will push down against the body and keep organic tissues from expanding. When bad weather rolls in and barometric pressure drops, the body’s tissues are allowed to expand freely. It’s that expansion that can put pressure on the joints and cause discomfort.
Another potential explanation for weather-based aching is that unfavorable weather does not allow for routine activity. Terrible weather can force someone to stay inside and abandon their regular exercise. This can lead to joints becoming stiff and painful, which prompts the belief that the weather is to blame for their pain.
Keeping your joints comfortable
While it may be tempting to pack your bags and head to a more temperate location when your joints seize up, that is not a realistic solution for most people. Instead, here are some quick tips that can be used to protect your joints during dramatic weather changes.
- Keep moving. When you experience soreness, it’s easy to put off movement. However, walking and stretch periodically can help loosen your joints and relieve some of the pain you’re feeling. Just be sure to do it gently and carefully!
- Focus on nutrition. Joint health starts with a healthy diet. Omega-3 fatty acids, seeds, and nuts can help in reducing musculoskeletal inflammation.
- Wear layers. Staying warm is crucial to keeping your joints limber. Wearing compression sleeves or layers around painful joints can help support circulation and relieve achiness.
- Try cold compresses. Heating pads can feel amazing on ailing joints, but they’re not the most efficient at reducing inflammation. Cold temperatures work wonders for bringing swelling down, so reach for a cold compress instead of a heating pad in the future and see if it doesn’t do the trick!
Health Insurance Questions?
We hope this information on the weather affecting your joints is helpful.
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